We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our parents, guardians and of course our SUPER students who will be part of 1/2CF for 2025. 1/2CF is a Stage 1 class consisting of students in Year 1 and Year 2. Mrs Elissa Clay will be teaching 1/2CF Mondays-Wednesdays and Mrs Jacqui Fuentes Thursday-Friday. We are in classroom 6.
Our weekly timetable for Term 1:
Science with Mrs Bevan
History/Library with Mrs Duke- Please send students with a Library bag if they wish to borrow.
PE and Creative Arts with Mr Brook
Sport- please wear sports uniform
Assembly will be every four weeks. You are welcome to attend any assemblies. You will also be notified if your child is receiving an award, and we will let you know when our class is running the assembly.
Fruit Break: Each morning, we have fruit break while taking part in our Leader in Me lessons. Please include a piece of fruit that is easy to eat in your child’s lunch box each day.
Homework: Reading at home is a big focus for the students in 1/2CF. More information to come regarding Homework.
Class incentives: Class DOJO, Thumbs Up, House points and the classroom visual reward chart is used as the reward system where students are acknowledged for having a go, working as a team and helping others. They are also expected to follow the school’s core values of Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Resilience.
Absences: When your child is absent from school, we ask that you reply to the school text message with a reason for their absence. This will stop unnecessary telephone calls to be made. An explanation is needed as this is a legal requirement.
Parent communication:
Our main source of communication is through Sentral Parent Portal. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via this avenue.
Mrs Clay Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Mrs Fuentes Thursday & Friday
Our goal is to work carefully with your child to help them achieve their best academically, physically, creatively and socially. We will particularly be focused on building independence, resilience and risk taking when learning. We encourage students to ask questions, be curious and embrace their mistakes as they are a sign of learning.
Students are encouraged to develop good self-management skills by taking responsibility for their own belongings. This includes making sure they come to school each day prepared for learning, returning Library books on correct days and returning home readers. It is their job to look after their equipment, lunchbox, drink bottle, jumper and hat, so please make sure these are clearly labelled.
If you have any concerns, please reach out via the Sentral Parent Portal. If you need to change home travel arrangements on any day, please notify the Office (Ph: 4352 1116) as we don’t always get time to read messages throughout the day during teaching time.
We are looking forward to a great 2025 with the students in 1/2CF.
Mrs Clay & Mrs Fuentes