Welcome to Kindy Green
I am extremely excited to be a part of the educational journey of your child. Children are settling in well, after a busy start to the year. We have spent the week getting to know each other and learning the routines and expectations of being a Kindergarten student.
Monday: Library with Mrs Duke. Students are encouraged to bring in a labelled library bag to borrow a book for home. This book will need to be returned the following week to enable them to borrow a new book.
Tuesday: Scripture. The whole school participates in Catholic, combined Christian or non-scripture classes for 30 minutes. Kinder Green will also visit Mrs Bevan for Science.
Wednesday: PE and art appreciation with Mr Brook.
Friday: Sport. Students are required to wear their sports uniform, appropriate footwear and a school hat. Assembly will be every 3rd week.
Fruit Break: Each morning we have fruit break. Please include a small piece of fruit or vegetable that is easy to eat in your child’s lunch box each day.
Belongings: Please ensure that all your children’s belongings are clearly labelled. As students learn to become increasingly independent in kindergarten things often get lost, it is much easier for these items to return home if they are labelled.
Absences: When your child is absent from school, we ask that contact the office or reply to the school text message with a reason for their absence. This will stop unnecessary telephone calls to be made. An explanation is needed as this is a legal requirement.
Parent communication:
Our main source of communication is through Sentral Parent Portal. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via this avenue. It is essential that if a message is urgent (ie a change in pick up details), that you call the office and the message will be passed on.
I look forward to working with each and every student and their families.
Thank you,
Mrs Allen