Welcome to 2019 in the library. Throughout the year, we will be exploring many ideas about reading based on the Australian Children’s Book Week theme for 2019, which is ‘Reading Is My Secret Power’. There is sound evidence to support the fact that reading can make us more compassionate and empathetic, these are qualities we want to develop. Reading for pleasure will be promoted during every library session.
Our first Book Fair will take place from March 18th to March 22nd.
We have a variety of things to look forward throughout the year, including:
- National Simultaneous Storytime which is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously around the country.
-Book Week which will run from 17th-23rd, during this time we will explore some of the award winning books listed by the Children’s Book Council of Australia for literary merit and for outstanding contribution to Australian children's literature.
-Book Character Parade when students and staff are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character for the day.
As in previous years, we will participate in ‘The Premier’s Reading Challenge’. Throughout the challenge, students are exposed to an excellent range of quality literature. All students are encouraged to participate and those who complete the required number of books will receive a merit certificate. Remember this is not a competition, it is a personal challenge and students can be sure to enjoy some wonderful literary experiences along the way. The challenge begins on March 4th and finishes on August 30th.
Weekly class lessons for Primary students will have an inquiry learning focus where students will be assisted in developing research skills, accessing and evaluating information and completing reports based on their research.
Infants classes will be exposed to a wide range of literature and literature based activities. All classes learn about the Dewey Decimal System so that they become independent seekers of information.
All students are encouraged to borrow books for personal enjoyment to be read at home and/or in class.
Happy reading,
Mrs Caroline Duke.
The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading.
(David Bailey https://www.brainyquote.com)