Welcome to Class K6M – Miss Bree Morris
I am excited to be a part of your child’s learning journey in K6M. I look forward to joining in partnership with the families in our class and will strive to support all students in K6M.Our class consists of 7 amazing individuals: 1 girl and 6 boys.
Our classroom caters for students who have similar moderate to high support needs. Students may have one or more disability type. These may include autism, emotional disturbance, moderate to severe intellectual disability or physical disability.
Our classroom has many exciting resources allowing students to balance their learning time with sensory breaks and special interest projects, to increase focus, motivation, and productivity.
Library – Library session is Monday. Students will have the opportunity to borrow books that interest them. These can be used for home reading.
RFF – RFF is time when the classroom teacher is relieved from face-to-face teaching to complete programming, testing etc. Mrs Caroline Duke will take K6M on a Monday for Library, Mrs Jodie Bevan will take K6M on a Tuesday for Science and Mr Matthew Brooks will be teaching PDHPE on a Thursday afternoon.
Sport – K6M will have sport on a Friday morning from 9:30-10:30am. The students in K6M are encouraged to integrate into mainstream classes for their sport session on a Friday as well.
Scripture/non-scripture – On Tuesday the whole school participates in scripture or non-scripture classes for 30 minutes.
Assembly – K-2 assemblies will be held in Term One on Friday Weeks 4 and 8. Primary assemblies will be held in Term One on Friday Weeks 3, 7 and 10 @ 2.20pm.
I am really looking forward to working with the students of K6M and their families this year. Please don’t hesitate to contact me via the portal or office on 4352 1116 if u need anything.
Miss Bree Morris
Classroom Teacher