Our Stage 1class consists of 23 students, including 14 Year 1 students and 9 Year 2 students.
Over the past few weeks, we have focused on building relationships, fostering a positive classroom culture, and developing leadership skills through the Leader in Me program. We are actively learning to collaborate as a team, while cultivating an environment where we encourage one another and embrace new challenges.
I look forward to working closely with each student and their family as we continue to grow and progress on this educational journey.
1/2G timetable
Monday: Library and History/ Geography with Mrs Duke
Tuesday: Scripture, PE/ Creative Arts with Mr Brook
Wednesday: Science with Mrs Bevan.
Friday: Sport. Students are required to wear their sports uniform on a Friday. Assembly will be every 4 weeks with our class item scheduled for Term 3, Week 4.
Fruit Break: Each morning we have fruit break while exploring our Word of the Day. Please include a piece of fruit that is easy to eat in your child’s lunch box each day.
Homework: Lots of reading at home is a big focus for the students in 1/2G. There is also Mathletics and Reading Eggs set for each week. It’s useful to begin learning multiplication tables at this age, and students are encouraged to start writing and reciting their 2, 5 and 10 times tables each evening as a good foundation (There are songs on the Mathletics platform to assist). If your child is finding the homework challenging, please encourage them to come and see me, or reach out via the Sentral parent portal.
Class incentives: Class DOJO, Thumbs Up, and house points along with a tangible reward system where students are acknowledged for having a go, working as a team and helping others. They are also expected to follow the school’s core values of Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Resilience.
Absences: When your child is absent from school, we ask that you reply to the school text message with a reason for their absence. This will stop unnecessary telephone calls to be made. An explanation is needed as this is a legal requirement.
Parent communication:
Our main source of communication is through Sentral Parent Portal. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via this avenue.