Tuggerah Public School

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Telephone02 4352 1116


Uniform shop

Our current uniform shop is P&C based, it is run by volunteers and all profits are returned to the P&C.

The Uniform Shop has the essential role of providing the school community with a centralised base from which they can purchase the uniform essentials at a reasonable, subsidised price. Our school sports shirt (with House colours) and all other items of clothing (including hats) with our school logo, are available through the Uniform Shop and at Lowes.

The school community can purchase their uniforms in a number of different ways, visiting us during the opening times or placing an order through Flexischools.

You can download and print out our uniform shop order form from this webpage. Order forms are also available from the school office. (Each family receives an order form at the commencement of the year).

Payments can be made either by cash or EFTPOS with credit card facilities available. (Please note eftpos attracts a $1.00 surcharge) 

Here at the Uniform Shop we aim to provide the school community with a stress free, easily accessible way of ensuring our students present in the best possible manner.

Opening hours

Tuesday        2.30pm - 3.15pm

Friday           8.30am - 9.30am                

After hours

Additional trading hours will operate throughout the year, for example at the beginning of each school year, Orientation Day, during Kindy Start and also at the commencement of each new season.

Uniform policy

It is a school policy that every child will attend school each day in correct school uniform. The reasons for this are:

  • Wearing a uniform engenders pride in one’s school.
  • Children all wear good quality clothing purchased at a reasonable price.
  • Competition in wearing the latest fashion is removed.
  • Children are readily recognised as coming from their school.

To read the entire uniform policy, download and view our Uniform Policy

Tuggerah Public School Uniforms