Tuggerah Public School

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Telephone02 4352 1116




Class Teachers:     Mrs Brown (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

                                 Mrs Drew (Thursday and Friday)

Welcome to class 2/3BD which is a cross Stage 1 and 2 class with 13 Year 2 students and 13 Year 3 students. We have 14 boys and 12 girls in our class.

Class Theme: Our classroom theme this year is based on the wonderful book written by Jeannie Baker; ‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’ and we have weekly classroom leaders called Ecologists. We are incorporating this theme into various key learning areas and widening the student’s view of the world around them. Our first novel study in English is titled ‘Blueback’ which concentrates on the theme and importance of living sustainably. In second semester Science and Geography subjects, students will learn about our living world, features of animal groups, food chains, life cycles and the different habitats, biomes and environments in which they live. These all relate back to our 2025 environmental theme.

Class incentives: A class DOJO reward system acknowledges students in 2/3BD for their excellent work in various fields. These points are accumulated and help them achieve their Gurundi Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards each term. Our class also celebrates student achievement and our school’s core values of Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Resilience through our class table point reward system, house points, Thumbs up tokens and Kids Matter awards. Students are also encouraged to co-operate and work as part of a team to meet our class expectations which are to:

·         Be respectful and friendly (Raise your hand to speak, listen and follow directions)

·         Engage in learning (Be prepared and do your best)

·         Develop independence and self confidence

·         Be flexible

·         Embrace mistakes and challenges

·         Help each other

·         Be mindful of the Environment

Class Timetable:

Monday: History with Mr Moore,

     Homework sent home.  

Tuesday: Scripture (12.30-1.00pm)

Wednesday: Library (1.50pm)

Science with Mrs Beven

Friday: Sport: Wear hat, joggers and sport uniform

  Assembly: Year 3: Odd weeks, Year 2: Even weeks

  Homework collected and marked.

This is an exciting year with the implementation of the new Multi-age 3-6 Mathematics and English curriculum in our classroom, which will ensure that all the Year 2 and 3 students are striving toward meeting the Stage outcomes according to their individual needs and abilities. As a class we are focusing on Growth Mindset as well as realistic Goal Setting and the ability to approach each task with optimism and problem solving skills without fear of failure. The students have begun the school year with an amazing attitude and we are excited for an amazing year of learning with all of the students in 2/3BD.

Parent communication: Please feel free to contact us with any queries or concerns via the class Sentral Parent Portal or by calling the school’s front office to make an appointment.

Mrs Brown and Mrs Drew