Hello and welcome to 5/6S, with Mr Szasz! 5/6S consists of 18 Year 5 students and 9 Year 6 students. It has been a busy start to the year and all students have settled into their new class and are enjoying coming to school each day.
- Technology: Mrs Beven will be taking 5/6S for Technology on Tuesday from 10:00 am – 11:00 am.
- Library: Mrs Duke will be taking 5/6S for Library on Thursday. Please encourage your child to pack their library bags. Mrs Duke will also be teaching History and Geography.
- Sport: Stage 3 sport is on Friday from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. Please send your child to school in their sports uniform.
- Fruit Break: Each morning we have fruit break at 9am. Please include a piece of fruit that is easy to eat in your child’s lunch box each day.
- Personal belongings: Please ensure that any personal belongings (including jumpers, hats, drink bottles and lunch boxes) are clearly labelled with names.
- Parent communication: I believe that communication between parents and their child’s teacher is very important. At Tuggerah Public School parents can use Sentral to communicate with their teacher. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. If there is an urgent message, please contact the school office on (02) 4352 1116.
- Absences: When your child returns from any form of absence, please ensure that a simple written note of explanation or an online submission is given upon return to school. This is a legal requirement.
I am looking forward to an exciting year with 5/6S. Please contact me at any time throughout the year if you have any questions or queries about our class.
Kind Regards,
Mr Szasz