Welcome to 5/6PF: 2024
‘Soaring Towards Success’
Class Teachers: Mrs Fuentas (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) and Mrs Peek (Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays).
We are sharing the Thursday with in-class duties and Mrs Peek’s executive duties.
Welcome to class 5/6PF. Our theme for our classroom this year is ‘An Airport’. We have weekly pilots, clouds hanging from the roof, aeroplane mascots on our desks and an overall excitement for the journey ahead. We may even ‘pretend’ to travel to Paris this year for the Olympics. We are incorporating this theme into various areas and widening the student’s view of the world around them. The students even have their own ‘Country Wall Plate’ which is linked to our Dojo reward system.
Our class is a Stage 3 class with 25 students in total (10 Year 5 and 15 Year 6).
We have set up a DOJO reward system where students are acknowledged for their excellent work in various fields. These points are accumulated, to which they earn stickers and place these on their ‘Country Wall Plate’. They are also encouraged to work well as part of a team and follow the schools core values of Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Resilience. Our class expectations are:
· Develop independence and self confidence
· Be respectful and friendly
· ENGAGE in learning
· Be flexible
· EMBRACE mistakes and challenges
· Help each other
· Be mindful of the Environment
As a class we are focusing on Growth Mindset as well as realistic Goal Setting and the ability to approach each task with optimism and problem solving skills without fear of failure. The students have begun the school year with an amazing attitude and we are so excited for the journey ahead. ‘Soaring Towards Success’.
Class Timetable:
- Science and Technology
- Scripture (12.30-1.00pm)
- History and Geography
- Creative Arts
- Sport: 12-1pm (Wear Sport’s Uniform)
- Assembly (every even week) 2.20pm
We are excited for an amazing year of learning with all of the students. Please feel free to contact us with any queries or concerns via the Sentral Parent Portal.
Mrs Fuentas. and Mrs Peek.